Traiing for cafe, greeting, guest services or cafe
Please print and bring with you to your next shift
Café, Greeting, Guest Services & Parking
o Understands general flow of the morning (when and where to be)
o Attends Prep & Prayer Time/understands the purpose
o Knows how to get checked in (Guest Service Desk)
o Knows where to retrieve name badge and other supplies (parking signs, counter, etc.)
o Introduced to team members
o Understands tasks necessary to do job
o Parking – where to place signs, flow of traffic
o Greeting – knows roles (at door, by QR code or counter)
o Café – how prepare coffee
o Guest Services – how to check in volunteers, how to use iPad to get to forms
o Understands how scheduling works (same weekend each month or something else)
o Knows how to notify team leader if they can’t make schedule shift
o Encouraged to give feedback, offer ideas, ask questions
o Signed up and reads Friday e-newsletter (go to, scroll to bottom to sign up)
Once all our checked, give to Guest Services team members.
Volunteer Signature/Date__________________________________
Trainer Signature/Date___________________________________