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All of these groups are accepting new participants

Journey 101: Experience group

If you’re just starting out, this is your place to begin! New groups start the second Sunday of every odd-numbered month, and they are tailored to people just like you who are just beginning in faith and at NEC. If you’re not sure, the Journey is for you! Sunday mornings after first service in either the conference room or Mike’s office. Email Cliff if you’re unsure which. 😉

Next one starts: May 12th, 2024

Journey 201: Embrace Group

Best to take after attending Journey 101 (see above)

Are you looking for a way to deepen your faith and grow in your relationship with God? Journey 201: Embrace is a six-week class that will help you do just that. Each week, we will explore a different spiritual practice that can help us embrace our faith. We will learn about the importance of prayer, Bible reading, rest, corporate worship, generosity, and faith. We will also have opportunities to share our own experiences and learn from each other.

A new class starts on the second Sunday of even months (April, June), after first service.

Grow Sunday School

Elevate your Sunday mornings with NECGROW! Meet us at 8 AM in the NEC Conference Room and be spiritually enriched. Led by Cliff Winters and Greg Handel, GROW classes delve deeper than ever before, offering thought-provoking, in-depth discussions that challenge and inspire. Perfect for those eager to engage more profoundly with their faith, NECGROW is not just a class—it's a community. Come to grow, learn, and discuss. Your journey into deeper understanding starts here!

zOOM Bible Study

An easy and prayerful Thursday night group, with lots of biblical background. All are welcome! This is a Zoom-based group as well, so you never have to worry about bad weather. 😁 Thursdays at 7:00pm. Email Sharon for the link!


Come enjoy this deep dive into the Bible with our own Chelle Pitts! You don’t need to know anything—just come with good questions and you’ll fit right in. 🙂 Right now, we’re working through Paul’s famous letter to the Phillippians. Contact Chelle if you’re interested, or just sign up at the link above!  Wednesdays, 6:00pm, at NEC (Conference Room).


This women's Bible study focuses on how to apply what we read in the Bible to our every day lives. Leader: Leslie Wardrop. Location: homes in Franklin (contact us). Time and date: Mondays at 6:30pm.