All of these groups are accepting new participants
Women’s Monday Night Group - begins monday, january 13
Mondays, 7 p.m. in the Youth Room (begins Jan. 13)
Join our Women's Group for meaningful conversations centered on the week's sermon. Whether you're ready to share your thoughts or prefer to simply listen and soak it all in, this is a welcoming space where you can come as you are. Build connections, grow in faith, and be encouraged in a community of women supporting one another. We can’t wait to see you there!
Tuesdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Not meeting on Dec. 24 & 31
This Tuesday morning group is designed to engage women through connection with each other and God. We will be discussing the previous Sunday’s sermon (to watch the sermon, go to New England Chapel - YouTube), so there is very little prep required: come as you are!
If you have childcare needs, please reach out to
Practice being Present
Fourth Monday of the month, 1 - 2:30 p.m.
No meeting on Dec. 30
Is it hard to find quiet time? Would you love to connect with God and others in a meaningful and easy way? You are invited to experience God's presence using an approach called Immanuel Journaling. This sharing can be a powerful and transformative experience, as we support one another on our spiritual journeys. You can read more about Immanuel Journaling here
Women’s Bible Study
Wednesdays, 6-7:30 p.m., Conference Room
Not meeting on Dec. 25
Come enjoy this deep dive into the Bible with our own Chelle Pitts! You don’t need to know anything—just come with good questions and you’ll fit right in. 🙂 Right now, we’re working through Paul’s famous letter to the Phillippians. Contact Chelle if you’re interested or just sign up below!
women to women mentoring
NEC's Women to Women Mentoring program offers an opportunity for women to build authentic and meaningful relationships so they can experience, embrace, and express the love of God in Jesus Christ. This six-month ministry prayerfully connects a mentor and mentee in a safe and supportive atmosphere. With God at the center two ordinary women help each other explore the process of letting God bring out the best in them.
Are you seeking to enrich your spiritual journey through guidance, wisdom, and support?
Are you open to spiritual growth? Are you willing to be vulnerable, teachable and have the desire to apply what you learn to your life?
The round of mentor/mentee pairings will begin in January 2025!